Pediatric Medicine

At Acme Hospital, We Care for Your Child’s Health and Well-Being

Pediatric Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the health and medical care of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in this area and understand the factors that affect the health and development of children. Pediatric Medicine covers a wide range of fields, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and research of various diseases and conditions.

At Acme Hospital, we understand that every child is unique and deserves special care and attention. That is why we offer a range of services and facilities to make your child’s stay comfortable and pleasant. Some of the special care features of Acme Hospital for Pediatric Medicine are:

  • Emergency care: We have a 24/7 emergency department that is equipped with advanced life support systems and trained staff to handle any kind of paediatric emergency. Whether your child has a fever, a rash, a seizure, a breathing difficulty, or a trauma, we can provide immediate and effective care for your child.

  • Cashless insurance: We have tie-ups with various insurance companies and TPAs to provide cashless treatment for our paediatric patients. You can check the list of empanelled insurance providers on our website or contact our TPA desk for more information.

  • Online services: We offer online services such as appointment booking, payment, medical records, and clinical notes for the convenience of our paediatric patients and their parents. You can access these services through our website or mobile app.

  • Patient education and counseling: We believe that educating and counseling our paediatric patients and their parents is an integral part of their treatment and recovery. We have a team of experts who provide information and guidance on various health topics, such as immunization, nutrition, infections, allergies, asthma, chronic conditions, injuries, and more. We also organize support groups and workshops for our patients and their parents to share their experiences and learn from each other.

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